Basically, this is a follow-up on my Article about Quanta/Gubed several years ago. However, as Quanta is long dead now, unfortunately, there is clearly a need for a replacement, especially one that integrates well with KDE.
Short answer: Kdevelop .
This, although commonly known as superior IDE for C++ development, especially under KDE, has come a long way and through its flexible plugin-structure, it is nowadays also a feasible alternative for other tasks, including development for scripting languages like php and python.
This article will focus on the php side, as this is what I’m using it for .
So, lets start with the basic features.
- Project handling: Projects can be created from inside Kdevelop, there are templates for all kinds of projects, including php. On the other hand, it is also possible to simply open an existing directory with source files - voila, thats the new project.
- Editing: Easy enough, as Kdevelop uses Kate as its default source code editor, which is just awesome, especally with php-documentation installed (this is usually done through standard package managers). Syntax highlighting, code folding, online help, all is there.
- kdevelop in a recent version (I'm using 4.5.1 on Kubuntu 12.04)
- kdevelop-php (php-plugin)
- kdevelop-php-docs (optional, recommended)
- kdevelop-l10n (localisation, recommended)
- kdevelop-php-l10n (localisation, recommended)
- php5-xdebug
- kdev-xdebug
- kdev-php-formatter (optional)
- get the source: mkdir ~/kdevplugins (or any other suitable location) cd ~/kdevplugins git clone git:// cd kdev-xdebug git branch -a (this shows which branches are there, choose the correct one: 1.5 is for kdevelop 4.5.x, 1.4 for kdevelop 4.4.x) git checkout remotes/origin/1.5 (use correct branch here, or master for the latest and greatest)
- build: mkdir build && cd build cmake .. (in case cmake complains about missing dependencies, install these and start over) make
- install: sudo make install kbuildsycoca4
- check kdevelop plugins if kdev-xdebug is there:
- enjoy :D
Conclusion: finally, the plugin works as expected, an invaluable help when developing php code that is a bit more sophisticated than just calling phpinfo() :D
So, no need anymore for Quanta/Gubed, in this respect.
And not to forget, there are meanwhile other php/web dev related kdevelop plugins, namely:
- kdev-upload
- kdev-php-formatter
- kdev-css
- kdev-xml
Additional note: a simple debian package (built with checkinstall, so no real dependency checks..) can be found here:
- simply download and install with ‘sudo dpkg –install kdev-xdebug_20140201-1_i386.deb’.
Be warned: this is only tested on Kubuntu 12.04 with kdevelop 4.5.1 installed in default locations, including mentioned php stuff !